Sellers Buyers
117 results found.
Showing results from 1 to 20.

  • Artta Group, Iran
    Buyer and Importer of: second buses trucks cars, raw material, electronic components, cell phone, food raw material, industrail parts valvesenginsfiltersball bearings, pulp printing paper pulp paper, autos parts new or second hands, industry raw materials
  • Merchandise Express, US
    Buyer and Importer of: cell phone, cooking oil, food plant, rice, fabric, health supply, foods, construction machines, cars
  • Yarsion Telecom Co., Ltd., China
    Buyer and Importer of: mobile phone, cell phone, ipod, nokia cellphone, phone, samsung cellphone, lg cellphone, personalized mobile, slide phone
  • TopBroad International Limited, China
    Buyer and Importer of: cctv camera, digital photo frame, laptop, ebook reader, mobile phone, cell phone, security camera

  • Q7 Mobile, China
    Buyer and Importer of: cell phone, mobile phone, q7 cell phone, q7 dual standby phone, q7 mobile, q7 mobile phone, q7 phone, q7 smart phone, q7 tv phone
  • Drummond & Associates, Inc., US
    Buyer and Importer of: ledlcd tv, dvd player, cell phone, digital camera, mp player, usedsurplusrefurbished consumer electronics, charlesdrummondgmailcom
  • Net Kami Electronic Limited, Malaysia
    Buyer and Importer of: cell phone, notebooklabtop, mp3 mp4 mp5, cameracamcorder, gital photo frame, spy gadget, usb flash drive, hdd, walkie talkie
  • Shenzhen Fukda Technology Co., Ltd, China
    Buyer and Importer of: cell phone, mobile phone, tv phone, dual sim, cellular phone, lphone, smart phone, gsm phone
  • Connect Trading Computers Warehouse, Sdn, Bhd., Malaysia
    Buyer and Importer of: laptops, monitors, digtal cameras, printers, scan, photcopying machine, washsing machine, cell phone
  • Dragon Groups Ltd, India
    Buyer and Importer of: mobile phone, cell phone, mp3 mp4, plastic pipe extruder, health food
  • Shipme4less, US
    Buyer and Importer of: apparel, cell phone, electronics, computer
  • Shen Zhen Excelled Electronics Co., Ltd., China
    Buyer and Importer of: cell phone, digital product, media product, mobile phone, mp3 player, mp4 player, music player, hand phone, gift
  • Shenzhen Dengyi Technology Development Co., Ltd., China
    Buyer and Importer of: copy iphone, nokia mobile phone, vertu mobile, tv mobile, mobile phones, cell phone
  • AGROMORO, Indonesia
    Buyer and Importer of: clothes, car, bike, computer, cell phone, electronic, lamp, ac, technologi
  • Shenzhen asian olympic technology Co., Ltd., China
    Buyer and Importer of: gsm, cell phone, mobile, telecom, telecommunication
  • Neovista Group Ltd., Hong Kong
    Buyer and Importer of: voice mail system, cell phone, phone recorder, sharedc163com
  • Marcassa Comercial Ltda, Brazil
    Buyer and Importer of: cell phone, eletronics, oil, auto parts, smartphone
  • US Voice Data Video, US
    Buyer and Importer of: television, lcd tv, cell phone, cables, fiber optic, ipod, computer, telephone, accessories
  • Gaga Exports, India
    Buyer and Importer of: yarn, fabric, labtop, cell phone
  • Telesoft Nig Limited, Nigeria
    Buyer and Importer of: cell phone, laptop, eletronics, phone accessories, vedio phone, pagers, telecom cables, others, mobil phone

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