Sellers Buyers
105 results found.
Showing results from 41 to 60.

  • Adasec Ventures Ltd, Nigeria
    Wholesaler, Distributor, Exporter and Seller of: horse mackerel, crab, hake, snoek, croaker, shark, monk, turtle, rock lobster
  • Productos Marinos Moon S.A. de C.V., US
    Wholesaler, Distributor, Exporter and Seller of: yellow croaker, spanish mackerel, conch meat, sardines, giant squid, corvina, skate, hake, white croaker
  • Fish For All Limited, Nigeria
    Wholesaler, Distributor, Exporter and Seller of: mackerel, croaker, horse mackerel, sabalo, blue whiting, hake, alaska, chiken, frozen foods
  • Rial Fishing, South Africa
    Wholesaler, Distributor, Exporter and Seller of: kapenta, frozen sardine, horse mackerel, hake, line fish, kingklip, frozen sardine bait

  • Adral S. A., Argentina
    Wholesaler, Distributor, Exporter and Seller of: frozen fish, canned fish, hake, frozen roes, squid, hoki, mackarell, fillets, frozen meat
  • Fish Bait Sea Products, South Africa
    Wholesaler, Distributor, Exporter and Seller of: horse mackerel, red fish, mackerel, pilchard, hake, pangas, barracuda, john dory, gurnard
  • Robinuniversal Corp., Canada
    Wholesaler, Distributor, Exporter and Seller of: herring, mackerel, redfish, capelin, pollock, hake, all fish, cod
  • Peruvian Golden Foods Inc., US
    Wholesaler, Distributor, Exporter and Seller of: giant squid, seafood mix, fishmeal, ocean smelt, hake, horse makarel, deep sea king crab, squid, mahi-mahi
  • Mermaid Seafood, Denmark
    Wholesaler, Distributor, Exporter and Seller of: tuna, mackerel, cod, warehou, hake, shark, swordfish, wahoo, marlin
  • PeruVende, Peru
    Wholesaler, Distributor, Exporter and Seller of: pacific mackerel, jack mackerel, mahi mahi, hake, giant squid, silverside
  • Kefikilo Fishing Enterprises, Namibia
    Wholesaler, Distributor, Exporter and Seller of: horse mackerel, tuna, hake, crabs, oysters, kabbeljou, redfish, snoek, fishmeal
  • Acl Atlantic Ltd, UK
    Wholesaler, Distributor, Exporter and Seller of: squid, hake, tuna, swordfish, croaker, red fish, snappers
  • L&B Taspac, New Zealand
    Wholesaler, Distributor, Exporter and Seller of: hoki, arrow squid, barracouta, hake, ling
  • CMRSeaFood, Chile
    Wholesaler, Distributor, Exporter and Seller of: salmon, giant squid, hake, smelt, loco, merluccius australis
  • Chiletradesolutions Ltda., Chile
    Wholesaler, Distributor, Exporter and Seller of: salmon, chilean seabass, swordfish, giants squid, hake, mussel, chilean locos, trouth, pomfret
  • Snoekies Foods, South Africa
    Wholesaler, Distributor, Exporter and Seller of: mackeral, hake, pilchards, sole, snoek, red bream, salted fish, lobsters, squid
  • Casa de Mariscos, South Africa
    Wholesaler, Distributor, Exporter and Seller of: fish, crabs, prawns, frozen fish, hake, calamari
  • Mena's, Mexico
    Wholesaler, Distributor, Exporter and Seller of: shrimp, hake, jelly fish, sea cucumber, giant squid, black cod, cynoscion, sole, clam
  • Kelticfishtrading, Ireland
    Wholesaler, Distributor, Exporter and Seller of: hake, herring, mackerel, horse mack, sardines, swordfish, yellow croaker, blue whiting
  • S&MC, Namibia
    Wholesaler, Distributor, Exporter and Seller of: salt, coarse salt, table salt, industrial salt, horse mackerel, hake

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