4 results found. Showing results from 1 to 4. Buyer and Importer of: copper concentrates, gold oredust, lead concentrates, ilmenite, nickel ore, iron ore, silver concentrates, zinc concentrates, metaminegmailcom http://www.tradeholding.net/default.cgi/action/viewcompanies/companyid/3198/ Buyer and Importer of: copper ore, copper concentrates, copper residues, zinc ore, zinc concentrates, zinc residues, pb ore, pb concentrates, cobalt concentrate http://www.tradeholding.net/default.cgi/action/viewcompanies/companyid/183835/ Buyer and Importer of: copper concentrates, copper ores, lead ores, zinc ores, zinc concentrates, chrome ores and concentrates, iron ores and concentrates, nickel ores and concentrates, nickel slag http://www.tradeholding.net/default.cgi/action/viewcompanies/companyid/1121698/ Buyer and Importer of: columbite, copper concentrates, gold, tantalite, zinc concentrates http://www.tradeholding.net/default.cgi/action/viewcompanies/companyid/71689/ |